Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sense of control

As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. azoth avinosis avaunt automorphism autology autophagy autophanous autoschediasm autothaumaturgist auxanometer autotelic autotheism auxology auxometer auxesis autosoterism autophobia aval autotropic avaunt automysophobia autonym avalement aveniform avionics autolatry autocracy auriscope aurulent auslaut auscultation aurochs auriphrygia autarchy austringer austromancy autocephality autarkic autecology autocoprophagy autogenesis auto-da-fe autodidact autognosis averruncate avicular averruncator avicide aurilave auriform auricular auriferous auricomous converse controversy controversially conversely device devote coincidentally commence coincidental concurrently concurrent compatibly compatible compatibility commencement controversial confine confined nanotechnology nomenclature nihilism loquacious lexicon lugubrious kowtow laissez faire kinetic moiety metamorphosis mitosis interpolate jejune irony incontrovertible infrastructure inculcate diffident enervate deleterious acumen antebellum auspicious circumnavigate deciduous circumlocution churlish chicanery chromosome bellicose bowdlerize belie omnipotent oxidize orthography photosynthesis pecuniary plagiarize paradigm parabola parameter obsequious notarize nonsectarian polymer precipitous plasma conceive conceivable conceivably enormity enormous forthcoming tension unambiguously gloria convinced convincing convincingly depression depressingly encounter depressed depressing depress abrogate abjure abstemious impeach incognito hypotenuse epiphany enfranchise equinox fiduciary gamete chair gerrymander hegemony gauche facetious feckless fatuous hubris hemoglobin homogeneous expurgate euro evanescent